Software developed with ROS tools is becoming more and more common place for applications such as robot manipulators, service robots, drones, autonomous cars, etc. In this 2-day training participants with none to basic knowledge of ROS will learn the skills and competences to configure and use ROS-based software solutions.

Training Topics

This course was designed by the ROS experts of FH Aachen and is part of the ROSIN project. In this 2-day course tutors from TU Delft will teach you the basics of ROS-Industrial. You will work out hands-on sessions in simulation and on the real robots and learn about:

  • ROS File system
  • ROS Tools (RVIZ, RQT)
  • ROS Communication (Topics, Services and Actions)
  • Transformations (TF)
  • Robot Modelling (URDF)

Depending on the interest of the participants we will also cover some of the following topics:

  • Object Detection and Recognition
  • Manipulation (MoveIt!)
  • Localisation (AMCL & Gmapping)
  • Navigation (move_base)
  • Simulation (Gazebo)

After this training the participant should be able to design basic ROS software and know where to find useful information in the ROS ecosystem.


The training is open to anyone interested in programming robots with ROS. Participants need to have a basic knowledge of programming (preferably python), and some knowledge of Linux is useful. This course is taught in Dutch or English (depending on the need). Register now!

11/03/2021 – 12/03/2021
RoboHouse, Delft
€ 500,00 ex. VAT
Join now