RoboCafé Online brings you personal stories, told by the innovators themselves. As a 30 minute live stream with room for questions, the event creates an informal gathering for all of us interested in robotics and people-machine collaboration. This time, Ynse Deinema will share a peak behind the curtain of the shapeshifting Roboat project.

Roboat is a 5 year research project and collaboration between the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In developing the world’s first fleet of autonomous floating vessels for the city of Amsterdam, it investigates the potential of self-driving technology to change our cities and their waterways.

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Roboat is a new kind of on-demand infrastructure: autonomous platforms will combine together to form floating bridges and stages, collect waste, deliver goods, and transport people, all while collecting data about the city. How can we re-imagine urban infrastructures with cutting-edge technologies?

This event requires no registration. Participation is free of charge.

16:00 – 16:30
Via Zoom